Supporting Computer Science in Rhode Island’s Schools.
URI K-12 Computer Science
The University of Rhode Island’s Computer Science Department is a proud partner in the State of Rhode Island’s CS4RI program that is bringing computer science and computational thinking to Rhode Island’s Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Schools through free course materials, teacher professional development, and college credit in computer science for high school students.
Computer Science is more than just coding, robotics, VR, etc. CS education in RI is specified in the RI CS Education Standards which has 6 concepts across all grades: Computational Thinking & Programming; Computing Systems & Networking; Cybersecurity; Data & Analysis; Digital Literacy; and Responsible Computing in Society.
URI is a Code.org Regional Partner and the designated provider of Code.org Professional Learning Programs in Rhode Island.
URI Supported Curriculum & PD Programs
CS Fundamentals
Code.org (K-5) introductory program for elementary school.
Intro to CS & Data
URI (9-12) introductory course for all high school students.
CS Discoveries
Code.org (6-9) program for middle and early high school students.
URI (9-12) introductory course for all high school students.
CS Principles
Code.org (9-12) intro or AP course for all high school students.
Work-Based Learning
URI (10-12) course for CS CTE students.
Computer Science A
Code.org (11-12) AP course for high school students pursuing CS.
Inclusive Teaching
URI (K-12) online course for CS teachers of all grade levels.
Computer Science Programs